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The laboratory is a support service located on Chilton Hospital’s first floor. The laboratory provides a clinical database for patient assessment.


To meet the needs of Chilton Hospital and the communities it serves, we provide courteous, compassionate, and efficient inpatient and outpatient services.


It is comprised of 7 sections:

  • Blood Bank
  • Chemistry
  • Hematology
  • Microbiology
  • Patient Services/Phlebotomy/Send Outs
  • Surgical Pathology/Autopsy Services
  • Laboratory Outreach

Blood gases are analyzed in the Respiratory Care Services Department under the direction of the laboratory medical director.


Any testing not performed by the laboratory is referred to a fully licensed reference laboratory. Reference laboratories are approved by the medical staff.


Our services are provided to all members of our medical and dental staff and to any licensed physician, dentist, or person authorized by law to use the findings of laboratory examination.


The Laboratory Outreach Program services physician offices. A courier picks up specimens from the physician offices. The laboratory outreach manager oversees operations of this area of the laboratory. This service is offered to all physicians on staff. The Outreach Program promotes the continuum of care for patients, starting with pre-admission work, testing during an admission, and following the discharge of patient’s stay at Chilton Hospital. A computer system is also available to these offices to provide access for retrieval of medical data regarding their respective patients.


To ensure accuracy of laboratory performance, Chilton Hospital laboratory participates in quality control programs in all disciplines. These programs provide the laboratory with the information necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of all instruments and procedures.


The laboratory is directed by Essam A. Ahmed, M.D., who is assisted by associate pathologists, and the administrative director. All pathologists are Board certified in both clinical and anatomic pathology. Each laboratory section has technical supervision. Testing is performed by medical technologists, medical laboratory technicians, cytotechnologists, histotechnologists, and histotechnicians. Phlebotomy support is provided by qualified phlebotomists.


The laboratory is staffed 24 hours daily for inpatient, emergency room services, and STAT outpatient testing.


The Access Center accepts laboratory outpatients 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. Outpatients for emergency testing are always accepted in the laboratory.


All routine laboratory requests are performed 24 hours daily. Exceptions are special chemistry studies, special hematology studies, histopathology/cytology, and referred testing.


Laboratory results are reported in a timely manner, whether it be printed, phoned, or faxed. All critical values are called to the physician as soon as available.


Mission Statement—To promote wellness and provide compassionate care and healing.


Vision—To be the preferred provider of quality health care services in our community.


Statement of Values—Quality-all services include a commitment to a continuous process of improvement, empowering all to do the right thing every time.


© 2012 Chilton Hospital, 97 West Parkway, Pompton Plains, New Jersey 1-973-831-5000